Monday, December 13, 2010

Apple concert postscript

So: What, you ask, was YPC doing singing at the Apple Store? Well, aside from the fact that many of us are Apple fans, this is yet another way that YPC is exploring new venues for youth choral music and new media to outreach to more audiences. Francisco has been seriously looking into taking the chorus outside of traditional concert halls and into unconventional venues, where people not normally accustomed to listening to choral music would discover a new art form to enrich their lives. YPC also continues to be a leader in exploring new media for youth choruses. We were the first to make our music available on iTunes and as podcasts, and possibly the only youth chorus to date to commission music specifically written for radio, new media, and the internet. YPC's goal: use new media to reach out to more people, in New York City and around the world. Oh yes, and to share the joy.

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