Monday, December 13, 2010

Live at the Apple Store

So here we are, guys, waiting for our set at the UWS Apple Store. Once again, we're blogging this live!

The choristers are busy -- checking out the cool gadgets, playing Angry Birds and Pinball, surfing and emailing and Facebooking. I noticed that the most popular item among YPC choristers is --- the iPad!

Here are a few words from them:

--- we're here performing at the apple store, before we perform they're letting us play with the ipads... AMAZING - Joshua Batista

--- So one of the most unique concerts I have done is inside the Apple Store today, It was extremely different because the apple store had an amazing echo after the first ringing of our sound check went straight to the back of the store. As we have a break until the actual show choristers are checking out the newest gadgets that the world of technology is installing. Many choristers are just playing a "Fruit Ninja" Game on the Ipad. We can't wait to do many unique concerts like this one again. - Troy Wilson

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